

Note importante concernant ce site Web

Soumis par lpromber le

Cher visiteur,

Cette page est un site web statique destiné à informer les personnes intéressées sur le Club de plongée du CERN. Ce site n'est pas activement maintenu et peut donc ne pas être à jour.

Pour trouver les dernières nouvelles, veuillez visiter notre page membre:

Important note about this website

Soumis par lpromber le

Dear visitor,

This page is a static website to inform interested people about the CERN Scuba club. This site is not actively maintained and might therefore not be up-to-date.

To find the latest news, please visit our member page:


We keep this page for now as it allows a structure overview of our activities and FAQs in both languages, english and french. But please, for up-to-date news and latest activities refer to our member page.


New Committee

Soumis par paharwoo le

We wish to announce that a new committee has been formed for the 2019/20 season, the roles are as follow:

Paul Harwood - President, Material & Compressors
Remi Zaidan - Vice President
Mark Hatch - Secretary
Tony Fowler - Treasurer
Mike Hourican - Gonflage, Communication
Carlos Oliviera - Assistant Secretary

We also wish to thank the committee members who stepped down this year for all of their hard work over their tenure.
